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Cocoknits Maker's Board

Cocoknits Maker's Board

“A clever, magnetic catchall.”

Julie Weisenberger of Cocoknits designed this Maker’s Board to make it easier to read knitting charts—turns out it’s clever enough for a whole lot more! An internal, magnetic metal sheet is covered with washable kraft fabric. Both the front and the back are magnetic and it can be propped up to any angle that meets your needs! Several magnets are included—they’ll not only help you to attach your pattern (or chart or recipe or other document) but will also catch tools of various sizes!

With the Maker’s Board, you’ll receive four round magnets covered in PLA (polylactic acid that’s 100% biodegradable, not water soluble, and contains no plastic), two smaller round uncovered magnets to hold tools, 3 strong uncovered rectangle magnets for propping up the board and holding other tools, and a linen drawstring bag for storage.

Measures: 11” (28 cm) X 9” (23 cm) (when folded)

Cocoknits Maker's Board Kraft.



11 in stock.

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