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Coiless Safety Pins

Coiless Safety Pins

“Small pin, big advantage.”

Featured as a "Hot Pick" in the 2015 Early Fall edition of Vogue Knitting, our lightweight Coiless Safety Pins have a slim line but are long enough to grab easily. And no “coil” means no yarn tangles at the base of the pin. They're perfect for our preferred “clip and turn” method of knitting short rows. (For those of you unfamiliar with short rows, they’re a bit of knitterly magic that lets you create depth where you need it, like the tops of shoulders.) We’ve used this method on our new garment patterns and always keep a tin at hand for the short-row sections.

One Tin, 50 coiless safety pins. All corralled in a secure tin.

Three Tins, 50 safety pins each. Save $3! Share some with your knitting group.



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